Croatia soared to the top of this year's poll on a lonelyplanet 'Hot spots'. Croatia's appeal was its unique combination of culture, history, cuisine, accessibility and affordability. As one staffer wrote, "This is Croatia's year. It appeals to a wide range of travellers with its rich diversity of attractions. And it has not yet been over-touristed, but it has developed an excellent tourism infrastructure - so that it suits both adventurous travellers and those who need a degree of comfort in their planning." Another staffer wrote, "Croatia's combination of easy accessibility (it's within driving distance of a large chunk of Europe), relative affordability (especially compared to the beach countries like Spain and Italy), and high quality will mean that it will be a 'hot' destination again this year." Other staffers lauded its "stunning beaches and islands," "magnificent food" and "wonderfully preserved towns such as Dubrovnik."

Nowhere in Europe can you find on rather small geographical area such a variety of landscapes and mild climate like in Croatia. Indented coast with over 1000 islands, 260 sunny days per year and sea temperature from 25 to 27ยบ C are just some of the reasons for which you should spend your vacation here.

Your welcome will be crystal clear sea, heavenly beaches, unique islands, pleasant locals, home cooking and quality vines. You will enjoy the smell of lavender, beauty of old olive trees and sweet melody of crickets.