Indicators of sirocco -A calm or breeze with a foggy atmosphere precedes sirocco. Pressure drops while air temperature and humidity increase. Sea level increases considerably.
Indicators of bora (north eastern wind) - sharp edged clouds cumulate on top of mountains while parts of cloud are being blown away and disappear. If bora blows after sirocco, first the sky clears, then the temperature and humidity fall and the pressure increases.
Observing west horizon
- If the sky is completely clear on sunset, there will be a nice weather tomorrow
- If there are dark clouds on west horizon during sunset, it will rain tomorrow or on the very same nighta
- If, on clear weather, there are lightings on west horizon, the storm is getting near from the west and you should find a shelter from west winds.Lightning from the east is not dangerous during summer. Summer storms move from west to southeast
- If west horizon is clear and a south breeze blows, there will be no rain soon
Observing wind
- The fine weather will last if breeze follows the sun during the day
- In summer, when landward breeze fails and the weather is calm, the weather will took a turn for the worst tomorrow
- If landward breeze is late in the morning and ceases earlier than usual in the evening, the weather is taking a turning for the worst
- If a sirocco breeze blows during the day and it gets stronger in the evening, there will be rain soon
- Stable sirocco, soft rain and low clouds indicates that bad weather will last
Observing clouds
- If there are no clouds in mountains, there will be no considerable bora
- white, sharp cut and tearing clouds moving towards southeast indicate strong bora
Observing sun and moon
- If a humid wind blows and there is an aura around sun, rain is expected tomorrow
- rainbow in early morning indicates rain
Observing high and low tide
- irregular high tide indicates rain
- if high tide is considerable, the weather is not going to improve
- a low tide lower than unusual indicates that weather is improving
Observing temperature
- in winter, temperature fall during sirocco means clearing up and cease of sirocco, and turning to bora
- in summer, after weather has taken turn for the better, when it becomet hotter and the air is humid, rain can be expected
- in summer, long period of sultry and hot weather without wind indicates the storm