If you sail in Croatia you will probably go fishing at some point and here is all important information about fishing in Croatia.
Before going fishing it is necessary to obtain a license. In order to get a license, one should show his I.D. (passport, driver's license etc.) Licenses are issued by fishing clubs,tourist agencies and offices in all towns along the coast.
Licenses are issued for recreational angling, underwater gun fishing, hand trolling, long lining and tuna fishing.
Prices of licenses vary according to whether you want a daily, weekly or monthly license.
The whole Adriatic is open for fishing and special limitations are applied in aquatoria of national parks (Kornati, Brijuni, Krka, Mljet), and for some smaller locations. While obtaining the license, you will receive a list of limitations and off limit zones, the minimum of allowed catch measures and a list of permitted fishing tools.
1. Fishing tackle
- fishing-line, in all up to two (2) pieces, with three (3) hooks on each rod at the most,
- fishing line with lead weight, in all up to two (2) pieces, with three (3) hooks on each line at the most,
- fishing-line for trailing or hand-trolling, in all up to two (2) pieces, with three (3) hooks on each hand-roll at the most,
- fishing-line with a hook for catching cephalopods, in all up to two (2) pieces,
2. Spear-fishing gun
- spear-fishing gun, in all up to two (2) pieces.
Licenses for performing of recreation-sports fishing at sea for Croatian or foreign citizens are issued:
1. - for one (1) day,
2. - for three (3) days,
3. - for seven (7) days,
4. - for thirty (30) days,
5. - for the current calendar year (annual licenses).
Licenses for one (1), three (3), seven (7) and thirty (30) days are issued to Croatian and foreign citizens.
Daily licenses are issued specially for fishing with the use of angling fishing tackle, and particularly for fishing with the use of the spear-fishing gun.
The amount of the compensation for daily licenses in case of which it is allowed to fish only with the use of angling fishing tackle:
1. - 60.00 kunas for a license for one (1) day,
2. - 150.00 kunas for a license for three (3) days,
3. - 250.00 kunas for a license for seven (7) days,
4. - 500.00 kunas for a license for thirty (30) days.
The amount of the compensation for daily licenses in case of which it is allowed to fish only with the use of a spear-fishing gun:
1. - 60.00 kunas for a license for one (1) day,
2. - 150.00 kunas for a license for three (3) days,
3. - 250.00 kunas for a license for seven (7) days,
4. - 500.00 kunas for a license for thirty (30) days.
Fish (Pisces):
Two-banded bream (Diplodus vulgaris) 15 cm
Needlefish (Tetrapturus belone) 120 cm
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) 120 cm
Eel (Anguilla anguilla) 30 cm
Black umber (Sciaena umbra) 30 cm
Grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) 60 cm
Gilthead (Sparus aurata) 20 cm
Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) 25 cm
Striped bream (Lithognathus mormyrus) 20 cm
Spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) 65 cm
Sheepshead bream (Diplodus puntazzo) 22 cm
White bream (Diplodus sargus) 21 cm
Grouper (Scorpaena scrofa) 25 cm
Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) 70 cm
Conger eel (Conger conger) 70 cm
Dentex (Dentex dentex) 30 cm
Mollusks (Bivalia):
Common mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) 5 cm
Scallop (Pecten jacobaeus) 9 cm
Oyster (Ostrea edulils) 6 cm
Striped Venus (Venus gallina) 2, 5 cm
Grooved Carpet Shell (Ruditapes decussatus) 2, 5 cm
Ark shell (Arca noae) 5 cm
Wart Venus (Venus verrucosa) 3 cm
Crabs (Crustacea):
Spider crab (Maja squinado) 10 cm
Source: www.yacht-base.com